Castles & Crusades RPG: Free City of Eskadia: Jack of Lies (Castles & Crusades Supp. & Adv., HC)
$ 24.99
SKU: TLG8508
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Eskadia, The Jewel of the North. One of the most powerful of the western City-States in the Haunted Highlands, Eskadia has the singular distinction of being one of the deadliest cities in all of the world. Trade barons and guild-masters constantly vie for power and control over shipping and rights to raw materials. Sweatshops and workhouses crank out finished goods and crafts to be traded and sold throughout the continent. Every guild-master seeks to be an officially recognized representative to the Western League, and earn the coveted title of Prince of Eskadia.
The Free City of Eskadia comes complete with everything needed to create the ultimate city adventure and campaign: full descriptions of the city from the walls, down the streets and into the alleys, to the neighborhoods, markets, plazas on to the inns and taverns, gatehouses, tenements and more; it also includes all those elements that make a city come alive, from the city government, encounter areas, major personages, new monsters, a new race, the Changling and much, much more. Over 20 maps, including the city and many of the areas of interest.
Complete with full adventure, The Jack of Lies.