Processing: A Game of Serving Humanity
$ 29.95
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In Processing, you're everyday people enslaved by Alien Overlords. Your task? Sort out Earth's remaining survivors. Cast votes on the moving conveyor belt. Determine who gets freed, who gets probed "For Science!" and who gets processed.
Make your alien bosses happier than the other players, and you're free. Fail, and you are meat. It's democracy gone horribly wrong. Cheer, barter, or plead but do whatever it takes to influence the aliens, and maybe you will survive Processing!
Complication: Only hipsters survived the invasion, and the aliens do not distinguish between cows and humans.
12x Meeples
78x Voting Tokens
2x Score Boards
69x Cards
Players: 3 - 6
Play time: 30 min
Ages: 14+