TORG Eternity RPG: Operation Soft Sell Adventure
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IN DEEP COVER... In Operation: Soft Sell, the characters do not take on the typical roles of Storm Knights, but instead act as Agents of Operation: Eris. Before the Delphi Council can reach them, the characters are recruited as Agents to gain the confidence of and access to the inner circle of the former Kanawa Corporation CEO: Ryuchi Kanawa. The Agents must assume the guise of Stormers and work closely with Ryuchi, as they gather information about his plans while on the run from Pan-Pacifican authorities. As Ryuchi’s chosen confidants, the Agents go on a journey across Pan-Pacifica, earning themselves a reputation that puts them at odds with their fellow Storm Knights! Inside you’ll find: Seven Acts that cover not only Pan-Pacifica, but also Malagwa – a new cosm that threatens to invade Earth! New Drama Deck rules, as the characters are deep undercover and must act as Stormers. Choices that determine the characters’ fates, and the fates of more than one cosm.