Traveller RPG - Book 7: Merchant Prince
$ 24.99
SKU: MGP3836
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Long-awaited by Traveller fans, Merchant Prince is for every character who engages in trading while roaming the stars. Starting off with some extra tips and options for the speculative trading every Traveller player is familiar with, Merchant Prince adds a whole new trading option for those wealthy enough to attempt it, allowing them to build a huge trading empire that spans the stars. With new career options, cargoes and ships, Merchant Prince is an invaluable companion to all Traveller players.
Size: 128 pages, Softback
Interior Art: Black & White
Author: Bryan Steele
Note: Photo states this is Book 8. It originally was scheduled to be Book 8 but was changed at some point. Despite what the photo shows, the book will be titled properly as \"Book 7 - Merchant Prince\".