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Wargames Illustrated Magazine #418 (October 2022)

$ 9.50

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Wargames Illustrated Magazine #418 (October 2022) QUICK FIRE! Modelling ‘shorts’ from your fellow wargamers. OBSERVATION POST Your monthly roundup of notable new releases in the hobby. RELEASE RADAR Dom Sore scans the interweb for quality and/or quirky new wargames products. FULL PAPER JACKET Neil Smith’s look at forthcoming book releases worthy of wargamers’ attention. THEME: VALOUR & FORTITUDE JERVIS JOHNSON Q&A We chat with game design legend Jervis Johnson who has dived back into historical gaming since his retirement from Games Workshop last year and created the Valour & Fortitude Napoleonic rules. PSEUDO-NOSTALGIA WITH MARK’S LITTLE SOLDIERS Wi’s James asks sculpting legend Mark Copplestone about his changing wargaming tastes, how his new inter-war range finds beauty in simplicity, the progress being made with the Mark’s Little Soldiers wargame, and what the heck ‘pseudo-nostalgia’ means! ...and much more!