Magic: The Gathering at Game Kastle Austin
What is Magic: The Gathering?
Magic: The Gathering (also known as MTG) is the world’s first trading card game created by Richard Garfield in 1993. Today it remains the most popular trading card game witih over 50 million players worldwide. Players build a customized deck of cards and use a resource system called mana to summon creatures or cast fantastical spells to win the game.
Booster packs contain a random selection of cards ranging in rarity from common to rare or mythic rare. Usually one is a land, 10 cards are common, 3 are uncommon, and 1 is rare or mythic rare.
Collectors Booster packs are more expensive than standard packs and contain more rare cards, alternate art, serialized cards, and more.
Many Ways to Play
One of the most popular current ways to play is Commander. Each player builds a 100 card deck and each card must be unique. Each deck has Commander with special powers. Play up to 4 players together to form a pod. If you don’t know where to start, you can pick up a preconstructed deck sold at your local Game Kastle or game store.
Standard is another format with a 60 card deck, made up from cards from recently released sets. Cards move in and out of rotation and the pool of available cards change over time. This format is typical for competitive and tournament play.
Draft and Sealed formats level the playing field with decks being constructed from booster packs. All players receive the same number of packs to build a deck with. In Draft, each player opens a pack and selects a card, then passes the remaining cards to the right or left player. This process continues until all cards are selected from 3 packs. In Sealed, each player receives 6 packs to build a deck with and there is no drafting process.
Friday Night Magic
We host over 30-40 players every Friday night from 6pm until closing. Join the fun! The event is beginner friendly. Download the Magic: The Gathering Companion App from your preferred app store and create an account. You can use the app to register into events, and you’ll receive a free promo card from us by registering in our event every Friday. Check our event calendar for more info on other upcoming events including prereleases and competitive events.
Universus Beyond
MTG isn’t limited to its own universe, bringing in other worlds into the game through its Universus Beyond products. From Warhammer 40k, Lord of the Rings, and most recently Final Fantasy, the world of Magic: The Gathering continues to expand in many different directions.
Magic: The Gathering Companion App
Learn More At Game Kastle Austin